<aside> ✨ Page Purpose: To create a single document for communicating the who, what, how, and why of ACEM's culture, so that we can easily align as an organization 💞



What is a culture document?

The culture document details out who an organization is, how an org aims to operate, and the underlying purpose/why bringing all the stakeholder together!

It outlines the Purpose (WHY), Mission (WHAT+HOW), & Vision (WHERE), and then the ValuesPrinciplesNorms that everyone aligns as a way of working.

We believe a workplace can be a more natural, delightful, and even human experience & this document is how we align on both how we do this & why 🚀.

OpenNotion ’s Culture Doc guiding philosophy?

We believe that building structures, systems, and approaches that are aligned with principles, values, standards, and norms will create sustained value for all of our stakeholders! This helps to achieve one’s purpose, mission, and vision!


Purpose & Mission

The uniting reason why we exists and what we will continuously seek to achieve. The things we do that advance our purpose towards our vision.

⚠️  To simplify & spread modern business expertise, so that together we thrive! We do this by making it easier for people & teams to launch, run, & grow a business


The aspiration of what we will create! Why the world would be a better place if we succeed!

‍⚠️  Be come a global community that empowers anti-fragile & virtuous cycles for brands, people, & the world!

Core Values

Our values explain how each team member agrees to work with each other and our community of stakeholders and customers. Each value consists of:

We expect people who join our team to have some competency for these values/skills, and people’s career progression will be measured in part by how they grow in these values through their time at here. Outlined below are our values, if they resonate with you in terms of who you are, who you want to be, and the kind of people you’d like to be around, then you’d probably be a great fit for our team!

Why we have Core Values and Secondary Values …. Core values are a way of creating 3 simple and rememberable words that embody the rest of the values. So if you forget everything else, you at least have these 3 values ground on in times of decision making small and large.


Operating Principles

These are the foundational beliefs that we hold to be true!

We strive for individual accountability & fulfillment, interpersonal compassion, along with collective responsibility and alignment as an organization. In addition to the above values, the following principles help to guide our standards, our norms, as well as the other part of our organizational design and operating structures:


<aside> 🔔 Anytime there is a comment within this document from a team member, we will do our best to review and discuss comment at the next all hands to ensure we are continuously improving!
